Berry Plants

Berry Plants

Spring is the perfect time for you to plant berries in your own home or garden. We have a great selection right now from blackberries, like triple crown, and of course everybody’s favorite, marionberries. One thing to remember is that blackberries produce on second-year canes, which means we’re going to grow big, beautiful canes.

This summer, you’ll raise them up on a trellis, and that’s what’s going to give you berries the following summer. Raspberries are a little different. Again, they produce on second-year canes, but raspberries can be more of a bush, so you don’t need a trellis. Heritage is one of Brian’s favorite varieties because you get two seasons of fruit, once in the spring and again in the fall.

When you plant them using Bio-tone, that helps get those roots started. Then follow it up a little bit later with some Berry-tone to get those nice big canes for lots of fruit. We have all of these right now at the farm, and now is the perfect time to plant them. Come on out. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Watch as Brian Bauman from Bauman’s Farm & Garden talks about planting berries.

We welcome you to come down to the farm anytime and see our berry plants in stock. We look forward to seeing you soon!

To keep up with some of the tips and tricks on how to keep all of your berry plants looking amazing make sure you follow us on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Berry Plants Available at Bauman Farms
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