We are excited to share with you some of the new plants that we’re growing at the farm for your home garden.
We have a new series of dahlia, called MegaBloom ‘Berry Blast’, and you can see why. This is the very first series, it has beautiful berry-colored foliage with white stripes through it. One of the things that makes this one different is that this one has a very compact habit, but the flowers bloom just over the top of the foliage. You end up getting these giant, mega-blooms sitting on top of a nice and compact habit. This plant is technically a perennial in our area, but to be sure you’re going to get this back next year, I remind people to dig up the bulbs in the fall. A lot of times our wet winters cause the bulbs to rot. Digging them up in the fall is one great way to make sure you get them coming back.
This one doesn’t look too exciting right now, but trust me, this is a brand-new series of delphinium called delphinium delgenius. Believe it or not, delphiniums are hard to grow in a greenhouse setting. This series is hardy down to zone 4, which means this series is hardy even in Eastern Oregon. This plant is super sturdy and is going to send up giant stocks of blossoms with multiple coming from every plant. These are so beautiful, now is the time to head down to the garden center, we’ve got 3 different colors.
Watch as Brian Bauman from Bauman’s Farm & Garden discusses two new amazing summer perennials.
For these introductions and so much more, come down to the farm – we’d be happy to see you and help you pick the perfect plants for your garden!
To make sure you stay up-to-date on what’s in season, head on over to the Bauman’s Farm & Garden YouTube page and subscribe for all of the latest information!