At Bauman’s Farm and Garden, we always tell people that there was no master plan involved with how this retail area was going to evolve from when we were kids to where it is today. Back when we were kids, the area where we would sort through the produce was also the same area of our original store where customers would come. People would just pull off to the side of the road, they would honk their horns, and we kids would come running out of the house to help our parents.
Watch as Brian Bauman talks about how easy it is to pre-order product from Bauman’s Farm & Garden.
Inside is where all our produce comes in fresh every single day, from lettuce to berries to everything that is seasonal; this is where it comes in and gets ready for customers. Here are some helpful tips about what we offer at Bauman Farms that you are not likely to find anywhere else.
In the back room, the space between our main store and the red barn is where everything started. As kids, this area was just an open space where we would use a couple of screens to wash off the produce in the back. This space is a little nicer today, but every day our very fresh produce that is picked comes in here and gets cleaned and ready for you!
We know that it is difficult when getting fresh produce to figure out exactly how much you’ll need to make it through the day, and sometimes we run out. This is why we offer a service you won’t find in a lot of other places. In the morning or the day before you are planning to come down to the store, you can call us ahead of time to make sure we got what you’re looking for. Leave us your name, what time you’re coming to the shop, and how much you want. If we have it, we will put it aside for you! This will make it so you don’t miss out on our fresh produce! We can do this for anything, just give us a call in the morning or the day before, and we’ll get it set aside for you.
We will also go one step further! A lot of fresh produce is seasonal, and it’s hard to figure out when it will come in. As we know, with the rain this year, everything has been off by about a month. This time last year, we had a ton of marionberries. This year, we are still another week or two away from having them. Luckily, we have a Call Book! The way it works is you just give us a call on what produce you’re looking for, and as soon as that produce starts coming in, we’ll give you a call! We will let you know when that season has begun, and then we can put an order down on the books to ensure you don’t miss out, because these seasons go by quickly. It’s easy to miss out on our fresh produce, so give us a call!

We’re here to ensure that you have the best possible customer service, and we go the extra mile to ensure that you have a wonderful experience at Bauman Farms. Give us a call today at (503) 792-3524. We look forward to seeing you soon!
To keep up with some of the tips and tricks on gardening and produce make sure you follow us on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.