It’s berry season at Bauman Farms! Although strawberries are just finishing up, tayberries, which are Barb Bauman’s favorite berries, are now out in the field.
Watch as Brian Bauman talks about why tayberries are so unique and delicious at Bauman’s Farm & Garden.
What are Tayberries?
Tayberries are a cross between an aurora blackberry and a red raspberry. These purple berries are a perfect combination of a raspberry flavor with a little bit of a blackberry kick. They are delicious!
You don’t see tayberries very often because they can’t be machine harvested. The berries themselves are super soft and stick to the vine. Usually, a mechanical harvester works by using the forks that kind of go into the bush, it shakes it, and then the berries fall off the bush. It will not work this way with tayberries since they are a more fragile berry. So, they all have to be picked by hand and can only be picked in the morning because they start to get too mushy in the afternoon.
There is a short window where you can pick them, but they are worth it. Bauman Farms is one of the only places you will be able to find this delicious berry! It is one of the berries that makes our absolute favorite jam that Barb Bauman has raved about for years. Since there is a short window for these berries, we have about two or three weeks of Tayberries.